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Final Major Project Pitches

Major project pitch

Youth culture/survival

Why I chose this.

I chose youth culture and their struggles because I am a young person myself, so this project is very relatable to myself.  I know many young people going through so many problems and social pressures that society or many other factors such as family or education gives us. Youth culture especially living in a western country we young people face more issues on a daily. These issues can create us individually to experience unsatisfying gestures we did not ask for. Such as sexuality, racism, poverty and many more. I am intrigued about how individuals deal with all these social issues. The coping mechanism we indulge in to escape reality. Adolescence is the building block to the social constructed adult life.  

What inspired me

The was inspired by a poem I wrote a long time ago called ‘nine to five’ about teenage pressures of the constant routine of waking up to school and plus working, revising and maintaining a social life. I used to do sociology in secondary school, where learning about youth subcultures adapted from. I did some research again about some of the terminology, which inspired me to work on youth. After the idea of doing a series came from looking at a students work from last year. Some pictures didn’t work individually perfectly, however as a wholesome works together well. So I will make a series of each person I take pictures of their coping mechanism from social issues. Overall my knowledge of sociology and interest in youth culture created the inspiration for tis project.

Message/ context 

In a society of social discipline and perfection, where and what do young people inhabit to cope with all the pressures and anticipations? The major project will exhibit a series of pictures on how individuals deal with their personal issue. I will spend time with them and find out their story. In a way this will be a documentative photography series. It’s a social suicide on a playground we’re all playing.

Who/what I will research

I will be researching the mainstreams social issues that people go through, ideally in London or the UK.  What factors causes the issues and I will be researching how to talk to people about their problems, by watching some videos or interviews. Moreover I will be looking at photographers that capture pictures surrounding my topic.

Technical/ creative skills I will push for

I would push my technical skills be changing up the compositions of my pictures. I want to take pictures from low/ high angles. I want to challenge my photography with the topic of the coping mechanism of the individuals.  Whether whatever they use or do to cope I want the pictures to angles to compliment with the pictures as well as my editing. I will also like to learn how to use the shutter speed to maybe captivate a movement about a topic. My creative skills would be pushed by the way I take my pictures and the editing I assume.

Ideas for the shoots

The idea of each shoot will be to hang out with every individual and get to know about their personal story, compiling notes of on each person.  After I will be taking a series of picture of each person of his or her ‘survival’ from his or her person social issue. This will be a documentary series of youth survival in East London. Ideally I will like to hang out with 3 people and take a series of them. One idea I already have is someone I know who smoking as their escapism, so I would like to take pictures of them smoking from a low key angle and under the cigarette, possibly edit it black and white to show the white smoke.

Minor project pitch

Instagram / square inspired

Why I chose this

I chose this as my minor project because during the first year fashion project I was truly inspired by the concept of taking fashion photography. I personally enjoyed taking pictures of fashion the most out of all my projects; also I think personally my pictures for the fashion photography were the best out of all my pictures.  Instagram has become one the biggest platforms of photography, where anything sort of photography is showcased. I want to take pictures that are vintage, abstract, retro and pinterest like. However make them all square to compliment the Instagram factor.


The inspiration came from the love I had for fashion photography. Also I real love these two Instagram profiles called ‘Milk’ and ‘ Theodore_uriah’. Their profiles are very cool and trendy which are the vibes I like when looking at Instagram photography. I like the vintage/ cinematic effect look on their pictures. All the idea of doing the square will be interesting because I’m taking the pictures I have to think of it being square I terms of rule of thirds, the square will be cropped through Photoshop or phone picture editing apps. As photography is changing and social media is a big platform, photography takes the trends an follows 'the instagram look'.

Who/ what researching for during

These are the two major profiles I will be looking at for research however I will be looking at generally at Instagram posts to see how and what they take pictures of.  I will be looking at how they edit their pictures. Look at the Instgram community and what they offer. Also venturing at how they promote their pictures and what they caption them.

Technical/ creative skills

The creative and technical skills I will like to get are playing with the camera more and just taking the risk of taking pictures anywhere, any angle and anytime. I want to play around with the editing a lot more. I just want to challenge my self for this, as it’s the final project.

Ideas for shoots

For each shoot I would like to go anywhere form North London clean streets to East London’s tunnels and ghetto streets. I will be photographing clothes mot of the time, maybe trainers and portraits within cool backgrounds. I would like to make my pictures quite dark or either very bright and abstract. Overall for this minor project I will like to take pictures that are either fashion or abstract and meets an Instagram expectations. 

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